Photo of Joe Essigman

Joe Essigman

Snowsports: Treasurer

Hello all, my name is Joe, and I am standing for Snowsports Treasurer. This club has been a massive part of my Imperial career and my love for Snowsports and its members remains steadfast. We have had some real growth this year and my time on committee has only made me want to make ICSC even bigger.

Huge plans are lined up for next year and I will make sure an event never goes underfunded. Stepping into the shoes of the great Solomon Kurzman feels like a daunting task but rest assured he has taught me well.

I’ll make sure we have new merch, an incredible Scotland tour, plenty of freestyle sessions, more beginner sessions, many a social and lots of general snowy shenanigans. I am also very keen on growing our competition team and will ensure we have the financial backing to put our racers on the map.

In all seriousness I will be a responsible, dedicated treasurer and make sure our events remain subsidised fairly. I’ll always be around to answer any of your questions and help wherever I can - even if that just learning how to shifty. Vote for a Treasurer who's as committed to financial excellence as they are to après-ski festivities.

See you all on trip xxx