Photo of Jack Worthington

Jack Worthington

Hockey: Junior Treasurer

Let's talk moolah! I'm Jack Worthington running for Junior Treasurer, here's how I'll keep the club finances in check:

  1. Show Me the Money: I'm all about transparency. No smoke and mirrors – just straightforward updates on where our cash is going. You'll get regular updates so you know exactly what's happening with our funds.

  2. Annual Budget: Budgets are like game plans. I'll put together a solid budget that makes sense for us. We'll adjust as needed, and I promise to make sure we're getting the most bang for our buck.

  3. Money Talks: Finance can be confusing. I'll be available via whatsapp where we can chat about budgets, spending, and why we can't just buy new sticks every week and expense 'team tours', much to my disdain.

  4. No Funny Business – Just Honest Money Stuff: I'll keep our financial ship sailing smoothly. No shady business, just straight-up responsible money laundering...

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