Art Club: Treasurer


Divyakshi Goyal

Hello! My name is Divyakshi Goyal, but you'll probably know me as Div! I'm running for Treasurer for Art Club. I draw, paint, sketch, and make various crafts (I loved the jewellery making session!) I'm currently Treasurer for my halls of residence, and have really enjoyed the role. It's a nice way to get involved and see your impact on the organisation you're a part of. I want to get more involved with my clubs and ...

Urvi Jatia

Hi, my name is Urvi and I am a first-year BSc Economics, Finance and Data Science student, running for treasurer of the Art Club. I have thoroughly enjoyed the sessions organized by the Art Club and have had the opportunity to meet many friendly people through them. I found the sessions relaxing and interesting, providing an escape from my usual university work. I am keen to give back to this society as a Treasurer. ...