Spanish: Treasurer


Guzman Sanchez

Hey everyone! I’m Guzman, I am a second year physics student, and I’m excited to run for the role of treasurer of the Spanish society. I have already been part of the committee of societies here, so I’m used to handling the finances of the society and liaising with the union. But the main thing I want the society to be known for next year is for connecting. Spain has an amazing community at Imperi ...

Milagros Delgado Encinas

¡¡Hola a todos!! I'm Mila, a third year Civil Engineering student here at Imperial and I'm very excited to run for Treasurer of the Spanish Society for 2024/25! This year as President, I've enjoyed getting to plan events such as Mums&Dads, Día de la Hispanidad, Pub Quiz and Mus; and communicating with the best parties across London to secure discounts for our members (Bresh, Cuckoo, European N ...