Photo of Milagros Delgado Encinas

Milagros Delgado Encinas

Spanish: Treasurer

¡¡Hola a todos!!

I'm Mila, a third year Civil Engineering student here at Imperial and I'm very excited to run for Treasurer of the Spanish Society for 2024/25! This year as President, I've enjoyed getting to plan events such as Mums&Dads, Día de la Hispanidad, Pub Quiz and Mus; and communicating with the best parties across London to secure discounts for our members (Bresh, Cuckoo, European Nights, Embargo...). I believe it's really important for us to have the opportunity to meet each other and have fun sharing and enjoying our culture through the events that we plan. These make us feel like home, and there's nothing better than that!

One of my aims this year was to secure sponsorships to be able to have even better events. I've managed to find sponsors and I'd love to apply the experience I've gained and find more, so that bigger events such as Spanish Night at Metric can be planned, and events like Tapas Nights can even be subsidised. Now that I've had a year of experience in a financially responsible committee position, I believe as Treasurer I could really help improve the society's finances to achieve these goals!

The society has seen great improvement in the number of events and the involvement of our members in the past two years, all thanks to the amazing committee! I hope you enjoyed the events we've planned (and will keep planning) during this time and that you vote for me!!

Thanks for reading :))
