Photo of Ivy Xue

Ivy Xue

Biology: Treasurer

hi all!

i’m ivy, your current biosoc tresurer and i'm re-running for treasurer this year.

this past year i have secured external sponsorship for BioSoc which has helped to reduce the cost of events for students alongside departmental funding - so not only will i be capable of evaluating and managing BioSoc’s finances, but also in ensuring this is well communicated between everyone on the committee.

my experience this past year has made me a proactive and committed individual with very strong teamwork and organisational skills. furthermore, i'm now well versed in using eActivites and it's terrible web design so rest assured sales invoices and transcations will be processed in a timely manner

as treasurer, i aim to provide you all with events to escape from the horrors of lab write-ups whilst learning about and appreciating the intricacies of nature around us. hopefully, these experiences remind us of the reason why we all chose to study biological sciences at imperial college in the first place.

thanks for reading my manifesto :)