Photo of Iqrah Nadeem

Iqrah Nadeem

Mathematics: Treasurer

Hi! I’m Iqrah and I’m running for MathSoc treasurer. Having thoroughly enjoyed MathSoc events, I would like to become more involved in the behind the scenes, hoping to maximise our resources to enable more growth opportunities (and free food) for members.

Here's what I pledge to bring:

  • Strategic Budgeting: I will develop a comprehensive budgeting strategy and make data-driven decisions in spending, to ensure that funds are allocated wisely across a range of exciting events. Having previously been chairperson of my class and house captain in my secondary school, I have the required experience in coordinating activities and managing resources effectively.

  • Sponsorship: I will work with the external vice to seek and secure long-term sponsorships. Such sponsorships will offer tangible benefits both ways, including sponsorship-specific events and recruitment opportunities. By broadening our funding base, we can host more invaluable networking events.

  • Innovative Fundraising: I will spearhead creative fundraising initiatives, from MathSoc-themed merchandise to events with other societies, generating additional revenue streams.

  • Communication and Accountability: Having volunteered for various tutoring organisations since 13, I have developed key communication skills by working with fellow volunteers, staff, and students. Such experiences can be translated into my ability to collaborate effectively with other committee members and Imperial Union, as well as in seeking feedback and suggestions from society members. I believe in open communication, and will provide regular financial updates, ensuring transparency.

Vote for me as your MathSoc Treasurer, and I promise to make sure every pound counts towards enhancing your math experience :)