Photo of Aayush Darak

Aayush Darak

Hindu Society: Treasurer

Hi, my name is Aayush, a first year med student and I am interested in running for the Treasurer role in Hindu Society.

Being part of Hindu Society in my first year at Imperial has been a great addition to uni life as I have had the opportunity to get involved and experience several different events such as Nationals and Diwali Ball. I would like to be part of the team next year so that this society can gain even more recognition and become even better.

In the past, I have been the treasurer for my badminton club so I believe I have a certain degree of experience and therefore can apply the skills learnt to manage Hindu society’s accounts. I know that there are those amongst us who want to embezzle funds from Hsoc, however as treasurer, I will ensure that this society’s financial resources are put to the best use to create memorable events.

I would love to be a part of this committee and with your vote, I think I would be a great addition to the team.