The role of treasurer is integral to the financial stability of the ACS and more importantly the growth of our vibrant society. As treasurer I will make it my mission to ensure financial transparency and devise a well-defined budget plan for the upcoming academic year. I feel I have benefitted greatly from the many successful ACS events held since my time here, and would be thrilled at the chance to implement more in ...
It is important for ACS to be adequately funded for all the events throughout the year - I'll make sure to communicate with the Student Union to get even bigger budgets for future plans. Most importantly I'll organise finances properly so we don't go bankrupt :)
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As a mathematics student, numbers are practically my second language. It's the air I breathe, the blood I bleed. Handling finances isn't just a task for me; it's rooted in my upbringing. I mean who else was their parent's accountant when growing up? That's why I'm excited to have the opportunity to take on the role of Treasurer. On a more serious note, I'm all about keeping things transparent and making sure every p ...