Photo of Karthik Venkatesh

Karthik Venkatesh

Indian: Treasurer

Wise women say “A vote for Karthik is a vote for a successful, profitable and amazing year for Indian Society”. As Treasurer, I’ll ensure that Indian Society will put together: bigger, better and breathtaking events for you that breaks stereotypes, not your bank accounts.

I will bring value to society as I have the skills and experience in organising large-scale cultural events. In 2021, I had organised a “Diwali Night” event during the constraints of the pandemic, raising over 1400 pounds for charity. Having to take care of the finances of the event and communicate with a multitude of people due to the fact that there was a pandemic around us, I have garnered critical experience that is essential for the role of treasurer.

Additionally, as a part of the subcommittee, I have helped out in a wide variety of events and am aware of the workings of the society as a whole. Never missing out on an opportunity to help, you should know that you could count on me for anything and everything. As Treasurer, I promise two things: affordable and quality events for the community. Having spoken to committee members, I am aware of what is needed to make events like JB, EMW and Utsav more profitable and grand.

If you’ve seen me around, whether it be during EMW rehearsals or around campus, you would know the energy and positivity I’d bring to Indian society. So, why not listen to the wise’s words and vote: Karthik for Treasurer.