Photo of Anson To

Anson To

IQ (Imperial College LGBT+): Junior Treasurer

Hey everyone, I'm Anson, a third-year Bioengineering student. I've been part of our society's committee this past year as your secretary, so I've got a good grasp on how things run.

I'm stepping up for Treasurer because I would love to keep contributung to IQ and ensuring our society's finances are handled responsibly. I want to make sure we can keep doing all the events we love without worrying about the money side of things.

Relevant Experience
I've gained some experience in finance from my part-time jobs and internships, where I've handled financial documents. I have also attended our annual budget meeting this year to understand our financial landscape better. (fun fact – I was the world's top scorer in International GCSE Accounting)

What I Want to Achieve
1. Affordable Events: I'll work to keep event costs low so everyone can join in without breaking the bank.
2. Securing External Sponsors: I'll leverage my experience to bring in external sponsors, boosting our resources and funding for activities. This year, I have prepared sponsorship proposals and would love to build on that next year
3. Transparent Financial Management: I'll ensure our finances are clear and traceable, setting up robust systems to keep everything organized.

Thank you for reading my manifesto and hope I can have your vote!