Photo of Jack Hollway

Jack Hollway

Hockey: Monday Training Sec

Hi ICHC, I’m Jack and I’ll be running for MNTS this year. For anybody who hasn’t had the pleasure of meeting me, just know my ability to produce Microsoft forms, put names in excel and send emails/messages of the above at the same times every week are quite simply unmatched. Furthermore I am hugely committed to training, having only missed one session this entire season. This alone makes me the crème de la crème of MNTS candidates, but that does not even scrape the surface of what I can provide in this role.

For the past season I have played centre back for M2s, a prerequisite for which is not in fact hockey ability, but having the absolute worst chat at the club (feel free to ask anybody to verify). This will translate into my emails, undoubtedly eclipsing any other potential event to make this the highlight of your week.

I am certain after reading this you will be convinced that I am the only real candidate for this role and will vote for me. If not, vote for me anyway.