Photo of Josh Hollowood

Josh Hollowood

Outdoor: Chairman

Hey, I'm Josh.

You may know me as Outdoor Club's token Welshman, given my insistence on using the proper pronounicatiation for the national park, Eryri.

When I started my PhD at imperial this year, I wanted to find a society that fulfilled my passion for hiking, adventure, and the outdoors. I can confidently say that the Outdoor Club has been a fantastic place for me to satisfy these interests and as Chair, I would like to create an environment where people can have the same great experiences I've had this year.

As chair of the outdoor club, I want to:

  • Hold weekend trips three times per term. These weekend trips have provided me with my favourite memories so far at Imperial and I think the club heavily benefits from the relationships and bonds made on these trips.
  • Create a beginner-friendly climbing environment. As someone who wanted to start climbing but didn't even know how to tie a figure of eight knot before I came to Imperial, I want people to know that they can turn up to any of our climbing sessions and have a comittee member ready to teach them how to climb.
  • Open the club up to a wider variety of outdoor-related activites like via ferrata, gorge walking, and even surfing.

I feel that being a prominent member of the Outdoor Club this year has made me well suited to this role, and I look forward to seeing what the Outdoor Club can become next year.