Photo of Prijith Pradeep

Prijith Pradeep

AnimeSoc: Chair

Hey everyone, Prijith here! Here's my pitch for why I'm probably an okay choice for Chair.

For those who might not have seen me this year, I'm currently the Treasurer of this soc and have been spending most of my time on my placement abroad as part of my PhD. Though some of you might have seen me around during our Fighting Game collab with Gaming Soc, or during Fresher's Fair and the Intro session in the beginning of term! I've spent almost five years in this soc, and I'm pumped to try to push this society in a better direction next year. Some thing's I've got in mind that I'd want to push for (and carry on from this year) are:

  • Increase the frequency (and come up with more events) of more events like the Gunpla building session
  • Make our society feel less intimidating to new members
  • Collaborate more often with other societies
  • Make sure the society budget remains stable so we can keep hosting events like our Anime Band Live

While these are a few things that'd help with making this society more active and probably also a more enjoyable place, it's not like I'd *need* to be Chair for this to happen or sth. I'd say almost anyone you pick would be a decent choice, and I'm looking forward to contributing to the society whether on or off-committee.