Photo of Timothy Chew

Timothy Chew

AnimeSoc: Chair

I like anime and power. Chair gives me both (^_^)

AnimeSoc is a fun and friendly society for weebs and degenerates alike, as chair of AnimeSoc I plan on promoting anime culture and encouraging participation in anime related events. Although I applied for this position because the voices in my head told me to (O.O), my passion also stems from my desire to create a welcoming and fun environment for anime fans (^o^). I believe my experience and commitment to events in this society, as well as comittee experience in other societies makes me a strong candidate for this position ;)

As chair, I plan to increase collaboration with other anime societies. Events such as the maid cafe allowed members to travel and socialise with other anime fans across London. I plan to increase the quantity of these events and collaborate with other anime societies even those outside of London (Melon Band playing in Oxford would be sickkk :3). Moreover, I plan to increase participation in creatives such as art and music as they have a severe lack of beginner participation :(( By improving on this, we create an environment less intimidating for newbies (;-;) who want to get into these fields (seriously why is everyone so good at art and music T.T)