Photo of Aidan Clark

Aidan Clark

Gliding: Captain

After spending the past two terms as Publicity Officer, prioritising ICGC over my degree slightly too often, I have decided that the absolute best thing for my grades is to volunteer to take on an even greater workload.

I began this year with the overhaul of our outdated website (with significant assistance from Joyce). I aimed to rewrite all the content to provide an up-to-date resource for prospective members to find out everything they need to know about gliding. They then proceeded to completely ignore its existence and just asked us about everything instead, never mind, at least it kept me busy over the Summer.

Since then I’ve kept myself busy posting on the ICGC Instagram, responding to any questions that get sent in through social media or email and various other admin tasks behind the scenes. I’ve have also helped to organise the social events that we have run this year and have been a keen supporter of the post-trip spoons socials, if I can find anyone willing to go with me.

Next year as Captain, I will continue to ensure that gliding with ICGC remains as affordable as we can make it, whilst also providing excellent opportunities for developing your flying. Unfortunately, many of the current committee are graduating or stepping down, however I look forward to helping the new committee to develop in their roles as we work together to manage the club.

I hope to see you on the airfield soon
