Photo of Connor Tracy

Connor Tracy

Snooker & Pool: President

Building on two years as President of Imperial Snooker & Pool and two years leading Durham cuesports with great success, there is still lots of opportunity to come!

Going forwards, I want to further expand womens cuesports and continue offering opportunities not available anywhere else in the country. I'd also love to strengthen our communication channels with the Union to better implement the policies we all want to see.

Hopefully most of you have my contact and have met me through our various in person events -- Please don't hesitate to reach out if you have suggestions!

In both my years as President we have smashed our all-time membership record! This opened up funding to provide opportunities not seen at almost any other university.

Entering and organising more tournaments than ever across all three of our cuesports, expanding society practice sessions, coaching services, weekly London City League matches, reclothing the snooker tables, upgraded room equipment, Imperial Snooker Championships, and initiating regular snooker shootouts, there are more cuesports opportunities at all levels in London than ever before! And all for almost no cost due to our diligent work raising additional funding.

"Best years to be part of the Imperial Snooker and Pool Club thanks to @⁨Connor⁩ for truly resurrecting this club. His work behind the scenes is truly staggering. He’s done a crazy amount of work to make all of this possible. None of this would of been possible without him."