Photo of Robin Masih

Robin Masih

Electrical Engineering: President

Hey everyone, I'm Robin, your current EESoc Diversity and Inclusion Officer. Being part of this society has really shown me that I’d want to be your next EESoc President.

This year, I've been deeply involved in planning and running our events, and next year I plan to refine these even further. We've seen some great moments, from paintballing to the revival of the New Year's dinner, and soon to come, the night at the Gherkin.

Being a part of the departments Diversity, Inclusion, Culture and Equality (DICE) Committee has also allowed me to form a good relationship with the department itself, positioning me well to liaise with them on issues that may arise.

Furthermore, we held our first football event planned by our Sports Officer and it was a great success. As president I would ensure that there are various sports events that go further than football, such as dodgeball, basketball and netball as I know that there is an interest in this. There is also the possibility of inter-departmental matches.

Currently, I have also been a part of the team working on the long awaited merch. Next year, I’d like to continue this and expand it further, bringing more items to sale depending on how things go this year.

If you have any questions you can reach out and if my manifesto resonates with you, you know what to do. :)