Photo of Sharanyan Suthan

Sharanyan Suthan

Physics: President

Hi, I am Sharanyan Suthan, looking to be the next President of your Physics Society. With my past experiences (for example as RCSU Event Officer) amongst various other roles, I am ideal for this job. This is what I am looking to bring to our community:

  1. Green Twist: PhySoc events will be eco-friendly, proving that physics minds care about the environment, alongside this we will include more green initiatives in our community.
  2. Your Voice Matters: This Physics Society at the end of the day is about you. But how can we have a society about the people without their voice? As a result, I am going to create new initiatives to ensure that your voice can always be reached to us. This initiative will allow you guys to reach us for any new ideas more efficiently.
  3. More Sporting Fun: I'm committed to increasing sporting events, offering a new avenue for members to connect. Yes, that means weekly football games!!! Alongside this, I am planning to create an inter-subject football tournament, to help show that Physics is the best!
  4. World-Renowned Talks: Brace yourselves for mind-blowing moments! I'll bring in more talks by world-renowned physicists, turning PhySoc events into front-row seats for the most exciting ideas in physics.
  5. Remedy Actions: I'll attract sponsorships from companies looking to hire from Imperial's pool of brilliant physicists, securing resources for PhySoc's growth and opportunities for its members.

Join me in making our Physoc Great Again!!!