Photo of Elias Fink

Elias Fink

Physics: President

From pizza socials and merch to guest lectures and lab tours, our Physoc provides a wide range of amazing events and opportunities to meet new people and learn about research.

To make this work and to keep Physoc the best departmental society on campus, an organised and well-informed committee is necessary to run events, collaborate with other societies, and keep an eye on finances. Through my current position as Year 2 Academic Representative, working closely with both the current committee as well as the department, I have already gained a picture on how the internal organisation within committees works and could hence efficiently manage a successful Physoc.

Some of the activities I intend to continue are the lab tours, that give students a unique insight into research and opportunities for internships, as well as the Physoc sports events. Amongst other things I am also planning to

  • Have a strong grip and positive impact on Physoc‘s financial situation
  • Organise more events and start new collaborations with other societies, universities and the IOP
  • Invite accomplished alumni and other physicists to hold talks for new career perspectives
  • Start new programmes to inspire especially low-income Sixth Form students to go into physics
  • Support women, LGBTQ+ and cultural multiplicity in physics to encourage diversity in scientific thought and empower minorities
  • Keep Physoc the best departmental society at Imperial

I hope that you will give me your vote and enable me to bring about a brilliant and successful next year for all current and future members.