Photo of Blessings Mwanza

Blessings Mwanza

African Caribbean: President

Hi, my name is Blessings a 2nd Year Mathematician, and currently the ACS Sponsorship Officer, but this time, I am running for President.

This year there has been a clear focus on building the careers aspect of ACS. This is something which I hope to sustain and improve further through hands-on events such as CV/LinkedIn workshops or a suturing workshop which I know the medics loved last year.

However, this is not my main focus. My love for a self-sustained and efficient community is both my reason for running for President and what I would like to focus my Presidency around. Each year, people feel less of a need to be an active ACS member and this is even somewhat relevant to the freshers who are able to find their own groups outside of ACS. A monthly calendar with at least bi-weekly events in Term 1 and 2 will allow members to plan to attend events accordingly and foster a greater familial society. I also aim to combat this issue through organising events solely for postgrads and 3rd/4th years. This will encourage them to stay active members and will therefore allow for more integration between members in different years outside of the family system.

Why me?

  • As sponsorship officer I have played a vital role gaining over £11,000 in sponsorship, which facilitates the subsidising of events, and planning career events in particular.
  • A friendly, vocal, and welcoming person, paramount for ensuring freshers feel comfortable.