Photo of Gian Andrea Rossi

Gian Andrea Rossi

Italian: Chair

Ciao a tutti! It's election time!

This is your opportunity to keep the Italian Society Committee great!

I am currently covering the Vice President position and organizing two panels with important Italian CEOs as well as the classic pub crawls and Pizzetta on Fridays - yes, the pub crawls will come back... - I also aim to keep on the amazing partnership with UIS to promote extraordinary events with all the London unis (let's expand and show them WE ARE THE BEST!).

Generally, the Society is the perfect place to socialize with our Italian peers. This is why my vision for the society is that of a group of Italiani that meet to have fun, take a break from the stresses of the busy Imperial life, and do some networking ;) . I can't wait to work alongside other committee members to continue the long-term projects started this year.

Lastly, stay tuned because something is coming out soon...

I wish you all a good end of term, and remember VOTA PER ME!!
