Photo of Shalini Sellam

Shalini Sellam

Debating: President

Hi everyone!

My name is Shalini, and I’m running for president of Debate Society. I’ve been a member of debate since my first year here at Imperial, and I've been brainwashed into believing that it is the best society.

I know what it’s like to be new to university debating, and that it can be intimidating, but is definitely worth it. As President, I hope to:

  • Continue planning great new workshops, and taking suggestions from all of you on the specific skills you want to learn more about
  • More structured training plans, including focussing on skills personal to each debater, and pairing novices with more seasoned debaters
  • Taking in more new members by increasing advertising for the society
  • Lobby for more funding for the society!! This can go towards competitions for all levels of debaters (the best way to improve your skills), and towards society events, maybe joint with other societies too
  • More socials! Increased bonding = increased happiness = better debaters? (feel free to point out the logical gaps in that one)

I can promise to take your thoughts into account to make the society a better place for you all. I have had plenty of experience with organising events and conferences, so you can trust my logistical skills. I love debate, and whether you're in the society already or thinking about joining, our interests are aligned! So vote for me and I'll make debate the most popular place to be on campus <3