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Shaun Boodram

Friends of Palestine: Chair/President/Captain

Our priority is to support our Palestinian brothers and sisters and anyone affected by the genocide on Palestine and to amplify the voices of Palestinians. An idea to facilitate this would be to set up a student and alumni support network, which would enable students and alumni to contact each other in times of need. For example, for advice, raising funds, or improving access to healthcare and housing through building connections. It is also crucial to tackle hate speech on campus whether it be Islamophobia, racism, sexism, or any form of discrimination against anyone affected by the genocide. Another goal to educate people on the IHRA definition of anti-semitism and its implications, to prevent the weaponisation of anti-semitism claims against our students.

I plan to host a greater variety of events aiming to educate people on the situation and providing the tools for activism. For example, informing people of targetted boycotts, divestment campaigns, showcasing the rich history and culture of Palestine and telling stories of Palestinians through various media such as books, movies, art and poetry. Informing people of the specific laws and violations committed by the zionist state of Israel will also enable us all to stand up to the abhorrent injustice. I intend to increase collaboration with other Palestine societies and organisations in London, such as UCL-SJP where I am also currently based for my joint programme. Also, collaborating with other societies and increasing our social media activity will help increase engagement to try get more people involved.