Photo of Zahir Thebault

Zahir Thebault

Art Club: Chair

Hi I'm Zahir, I was once an art student but I'm now an Engineering postgrad at Imperial. I'm standing to be Chair of Art Club for 2024/2025!

We all know art club is already amazing. There's a free studio space with materials, there's lots of art classes with lovely arty people and there's free pizza (sometimes). I want to keep on the good work as Chair next year and hopefully make things even better.

I have all sorts of experience which I think will help me do this. I am currently the stand-in treasurer for Art Club so I know a thing or two about how things work (follow the money!). I've got experience of running societies at my previous University where I managed to get grants and funding for various student projects. I have also got years of experience organising social events. Here's some of my proposals:

  • Most Art Club classes free for members
  • Life drawing classes available every week
  • More regular social meetups
  • More free Pizza during sessions!

I have many, many ideas for events, trips and workshops but I'd be more interested in hearing what you, the members want from ArtClub. The possibilities are endless! If you like the sound of this please vote for me :)