Photo of Jasmine Ajaz

Jasmine Ajaz

Musical Theatre: Vice President

Hey all, it’s me! Jaz! And I’m running for VP!

[end manifesto]

Hey all, I want to be your Vice President because I am emotionally attached to this society (and its Google drive) and I want to keep creating the best space possible for our members. MTSoc brings so much joy to so many people and I want to be a small part of continuing to make that happen!

Having been Pres this last year, I know first-hand how useful it was to have a previous President close by as an advisor, a friend, and someone who knows exactly how it all feels, the highs and the lows. Being VP makes that advisory role all the more smooth as I’d be able to take on delegated work, encourage the President to delegate, and be a supportive voice on committee.

In terms of the other stuff, I’m absolutely in favour of making some changes to VVE as per current committee’s reflections – namely selling (cheap!) tickets, and using it as an opportunity to showcase Spring and Studio Show rehearsals for a bit of extra pub. With workshops, as well as the current favs I’d like to get another MTxDram opportunity going for MT people to train up in light and sound design and stage managing, as unfortunately opportunities to learn tech during Dramweek typically clash with rehearsals.

In all, I’ve got plans and I’ve got experience. I’m ready to keep that committee streak, babay!

Lots and lots of love,

Jaz <33333