Photo of Leo Layzell

Leo Layzell

ICSMSU: Academic Chair

Hi everyone! I’m Leo and I would love to be your next Academic Chair!

Many of you might recognise me from your mock exams – if you weren’t too stressed out that is.

As President and Academic Officer of AMSA over the last 2 years, I’ve worked closely with Faculty and SU to organise and run high-quality mock CPAs, OSCEs, including the inaugural mock Finals this year.

Following an in-depth meeting with the current chair to understand the role and the issues we still face, I’m confident I can use my knowledge and experiences to improve your academic journey.

Here is what I’m going to achieve:

  1. Elevate mock exams
    • Ensure high quality mock exams across the board
    • Clearer communication regarding allocations & requests (e.g. female-only circuits)
    • Provide even more support & guidance to our incredible societies
  2. Centralise clinical exam tutoring
    • Centralise tutoring sign-ups & allocations
    • Monitor allocations down-the-line to make sure you’re getting the tutoring you deserve & create options to re-allocate at any time
  3. Enhance communication
    • Share more about what happens in the Student-Staff Liaison Groups (SSLGs)
    • Keep you in the loop with regular updates so you know what’s going on
  4. Innovative learning
    • Bring in new & cool ways to study and learn – hello, AI!
    • Listen to your feedback to make things better
  5. Championing student well-being
    • Make sure you’re feeling good mentally & physically
    • Work with you to tackle any problems you’re facing in your studies

Your vote is greatly appreciated :)