Photo of Iolanthe Georghiou

Iolanthe Georghiou

ICSMSU: Welfare Vice Chair - Wellbeing Representatives

Hi! I'm Iolanthe and I'm running to be your Welfare Vice Chair. As Year 2 Well-being Representative, I've learnt so much working closely with FEO, faculty, student Reps and SU to voice concerns and feedback of students whilst supporting them in any aspect they desire.

Within SU, I want to continue making a difference and further enrich this relationship with Faculty as I believe we have made amazing advancements in Well-being this year. I would be honoured to help next year's Reps do the same, empowering them and ensuring they have everything they need to really excel in this role and beyond.

My experience as Well-being Rep allows me to understand the intricacies of the role and reflect on what we could enhance in the future:

- Re-assessing the general structure of SSLGs and standardising the layout and content of the reports for greater efficiency

- Supporting both Reps and students through concise and continuous communication

- Working closely not only with FEO and faculty, but especially with Academic Reps, students and the Campaigns team

- Increasing survey engagement

- Liaising with older years to better grasp their views and concerns

As well as supporting and teaching the Reps, I would like to continue my work on the Raising Concerns process, making it more transparent and incorporating student feedback in its development to foster trust and collaboration within the student community. With next year's Reps, I believe we could make a massive difference in people's experience raising concerns and improve the environment we learn in.