Photo of Hasan Rashid

Hasan Rashid

Aeronautics (UG): Departmental Wellbeing Representative

Hello! I hope everyone's having a fantastic day!

I stand before you as a candidate for our Departmental Wellbeing Representative :)

As a 3rd Year, I've been through many of the highs and lows of our degree. I udnerstand the difficulties that come with balancing your academics, society work, social life and family, amongst countless other things. It's so, so easy to get bogged down and forget the most important thing: you.

You matter.

That's why I aim to work with our department with due diligence in ensuring that every voice is heard, every concern is raised and that the relevant personel are there to help all of you. Whether this be course related, deadlines or just time for everyone to switch off and relax with departmental events, I will do my best to ensure you're looked after during your time as an Aeronautics student here at Imperial.

Our mental health comes first, and this shouldn't be compromised by anyone. I will make sure that help is readily available, whether that be professional help or just a friend for people to confide in. Always remember that, amongst all of the hardship that you all endure, you are never alone.

A vote for me is a vote for everyone! Thank you for taking the time to read this manifesto, have a great day!