Photo of Miriam Foulkes

Miriam Foulkes

Mental Health Officer

Hello! I’m Miriam, a second year chemistry student, standing for the role of mental health officer.

Whilst not everyone may be diagnosed with a mental health illness in their lifetime, like physical health, we all have mental health. I strongly believe an individual’s mental well-being should not be sacrificed in the pursuit of a successful career or student experience. Consequently, every person at Imperial should have the opportunity to access support as and when they need it.

What are my aims?

  • To further reduce the stigma surrounding mental health by encouraging conversations and learning around the topic through campaigns and events.
  • To work with existing college services, societies and Well-being Reps to promote support already available and make it increasingly accessible and effective to ensure every individual at Imperial, regardless of their situation, feels seen, heard and supported.
  • To continue the work of the previous mental health officer by working on the implementation of the mental health strategy to ensure a smooth handover and a preservation of the progress already achieved.

Why vote for me?

Since having struggled myself, mental health is a topic I’ve become familiar with and passionate about. I like to think I'm teachable, willing to learn and a good listener which allows me to work well with others, maximising the possibility of achieving aims successfully. I’ve witnessed firsthand the effects that moving away from home, starting higher education/new job can have and understand the urgent need for increased support.

Thank you for your time and consideration!