Photo of Navyansh Malhotra

Navyansh Malhotra

Design Engineering (UG): Departmental Academic Representative

Greetings once again! I, Navyansh Malhotra, return as your steadfast voice within our academic journey. This past year, our united endeavors have yielded a harvest of enhancement, profoundly enriching our academic voyage and strengthening the camaraderie within our cohorts.

In the yesteryears, we triumphed:

  • Parchments of Clarity: Forged stronger lexicons between the sages and scholars, ensuring wisdom flowed unimpeded.
  • Festivities' Chalice: We unlocked the coffers, endowing our social tapestry with the golden threads of camaraderie and merriment.
  • A Pantheon for Representatives: Not merely recognition, but a veneration of the valiant voices that echoed the will of the cohort.
  • Grading Scales of Justice: We unfurled the tapestry of subtlety in assessment, capturing the full spectrum of scholarly endeavor.

The journey beckons us forth:

  • The Peer-Review Crucible: Sharpened shall be the blade of our algorithm, refining feedback into the artistry of progress.
  • Punctuality's Watchful Guardians: We pledge to enforce the sanctity of time, upholding our creed of timely feedback.
  • The Quest for Sustenance: High shall we raise the standard for convenience, summoning forth the hallowed Level 2 vending machine.
  • The Verdant Crusade: Together, we'll steward the green mantle, entrenching sustainability in our academic bastion.
  • The Industry Conduit: We shall weave a grand tapestry of professional alliances, ushering our scholars into esteemed third-year placements as if by the guiding hand of destiny itself.

In unity, let us illuminate our department's tapestry with the vibrancy of our shared aspirations.