Photo of Yi Yang

Yi Yang

Student Trustee

Hi everyone, I’m Yi, the current Deputy President of Education at ICU. Over the past year, I've devoted as a board member. Here's how I’ve dedicated myself to Union development:

Devotion in Union Development:

  • Education EDI and Widening Participation: Promoted language support, participated in the Access and Participation Plan, and promoted widening participation projects. Worked to understand the difficulties faced by both the Union and the College.
  • Suggested Solutions to Staffing Issues: Provided input on Union staffing problems and participated in recruitment panels. This has given me a deep understanding of the recruitment processes within the Union.
  • Transparent Communication: Regularly provided updates on progress related to education-related objectives, fostering transparency and accountability within the Board and the wider student body.
  • Student Representation: Led student representatives and bridged information between departments, the Union, and the College. This has helped me understand students’ requirements and difficulties on each side.

Goals as a Student Trustee:

  • Support Union Strategies: Oversee the Union strategy, EDI strategy, mental health strategy, and sustainability objectives.
  • Staffing Oversight: Ensure comprehensive support for future Officer Trustees from the union staff team and provide more union support to student-run activities.
  • Advocate for Funding: Support Officer Trustees in securing a larger block grant for the Union.
  • Legal Compliance: Ensure that the Union remains compliant with the legal regulations outlined by the Charity Commission.
  • Communication with Students: Communicate with the wider student body, providing public knowledge on Union decisions, achievements, challenges, and the difficulties behind them.

Please vote Yi for Student Trustees! Thanks!