Photo of Matylda Piatkowska

Matylda Piatkowska

Gender Equality Officer

Who would've guessed a simple phone call mid-lecture last October would have been the reason I ran for this position today? I was diagnosed with PCOS during my chemistry lecture last term (yes I had to run out halfway through, accompanied by a lot of stares). This became my starting point for delving into experiencing first-hand stigma around female reproductive health, researching underfunded female research and overall witnessing gender inequality in the scientific world. Looking around Imperial the truth is women are underrepresented - like come on only 30 women in the first-year MechEng cohort? As the Gender Equality Officer, I want to highlight how Imperial can be more gender exclusive, including being a safe space for transgender, gender minorities and non-binary individuals. I would like better social media coverage for the female societies of Imperial (go FemTech & women in SET) and get the college to provide opportunities to women and people regardless of gender. I just want to support other women in STEM and know that my work could make Imperial just a bit more welcoming :)