Photo of Ilya Schor

Ilya Schor

International Officer

Hello everyone, bonjour, goeiendag, guten tag, hola, ciao, (sorry I don’t know how to write in other scripts)

My name is Ilya Schor and I am a second-year Mechanical Engineering student from Brussels, Belgium. I’ve always been implicated in the life of my community as a leader, mostly through Jewish youth movements and organizations in Belgium and internationally, so it is a logical step for me to candidate for a position at the Student Union. As an international student, I feel like I can represent us, advocating for more support and events targeted towards the international community, which represents a very significant part of Imperial’s institution. I speak fluent French and Dutch in addition to English, which can help me communicate with a part of the community in their native language. I’ve (almost) been through the first year, and I think I would be able to help the new international students face the challenges that come with studying in the UK, particularly at Imperial.

Thank you for reading me,
