Photo of Comfort Oluwakoya

Comfort Oluwakoya

Black & Minority Ethnic Students Officer


I started as a BME Officer in November of last year, half way through the year so for the last 4 months I've been catching up on what needs to be done and where the deficits are. I stepped into this role as I felt there was not enough Black representation in particular at Imperial and ended up being one of two black students in union council and I'm running again because I feel there's still a lot more work to be done in building up our community here. I hope to be elected so I can carry on some of the initiatives that I felt would really benefit the entire BME community.


-Lobbying for more help with the cost of living

- Introducing Afro-caribbean food to campus (perhaps farmers market)

- Starting a newsletter

-Working with staff and alumni for more networking and mentoring to address imposter's syndrome

- A cultural showcase bringing together ALL the diverse cultures throughout Imperial

-Increased support for students of ethnic background to ease transition into university

Imperial has really been a home for me over the few years and I was fortunate enough to find a group of friends here that helped me foster a sense of belonging. Unfortunately that's not the reality for a lot of people and I really hope I can help change that Thank you for reading and vote for me!!