Photo of Bhavana Daryanani

Bhavana Daryanani

ICSMSU: Academic Officer for Clinical Years

Hello! My name is Bhavana and I am running to be your Academic Officer for Clinical Years.

I believe that my prior experiences within ICSM societies, alongside skills I’ve developed throughout my time on SU thus far, have equipped me to provide seamless and accessible support for clinical years - a formative and ever-evolving period for students. This ranges from helping to organise and run events to being involved in examination teaching schemes (such as OSCE teaching and in mock PACES assistance), which has particularly bolstered my understanding of clinical teaching structures.

As such, my main pledges for next year include the following:

  • Help organise and run clinical mocks, ideally with real patients
  • Work on a comprehensive guide for new systematic changes, such as the UKFPO developments, to better inform students on what to expect for a smoother transition into F1 and beyond
  • Make sure every student in years 3, 5 and 6 are heard and represented through surveys and SSLGs
  • Work on centralised OSCE, PACES and Finals guides in collaboration with faculty
  • Continue to run buddy and tutoring schemes between years
  • Voice opinions and concerns from the student body, from regular discussions with year reps
  • Work on providing placement and rotation-specific guidance booklets to help students navigate placements
  • Work alongside my other academic offers to ease the transition from early years into third year, as well as from iBSc into fifth year

Thank you for reading my manifesto - I would really appreciate your votes to be your next AOCY!💙💛❤️