Photo of Ayushi Gianchandani

Ayushi Gianchandani

ICSMSU: Academic Officer for Early Years

Hi, I'm Ayushi! I've been an academic rep for the last 2 years and I'd love to use my commitment to improving the ICSM student experience as your AOEY :)

As academic rep, I liasoned with faculty to help get the changes the student body wanted - the main highlights being the BRS mock after much discussion in second-year and improvements in placement projects and centralised teaching in third-year.

If elected, I'd prioritise:

1. Clarity in communication: important information about examinations, deadlines and submissions often gets lost, resulting in unnecessary stress and so I'd work with the academic reps to create a weekly bulletin to solve this.

2. Encouraging practice material from faculty: a major concern has been an insufficient provision of practice directly from faculty. While there have been improvements, I'd continue to advocate the importance of these and possible solutions like reworking current resources and working with student socities.

3. Mock CPAs: having helped out with the CPAs this year, I know their importance and how to run them effectively while providing you with the best quality of feedback.

4. Improving student-faculty relationship: implementing better feedback channels and encouraging open-discussion between faculty and students (not just reps) about recurrent issues like attendance to increase empathy on both ends will be a priority when improving student experience.

I believe that my experience and skills will allow me to advocate student opinions to faculty and work with them to provide you with the experience you deserve if elected as your AOEY!