Photo of Ling Liu

Ling Liu

CGCU: Vice President

Hi, my name is Ling Liu and you can also call me Linda. I am the candidate for Vice President in CGCU. As the current Council Representative for Undergraduate Engineering Students, I have had the privilege of working closely with students all and have witnessed firsthand the dedication and passion within our community. Now, I am eager to step up to a new challenge and offer my vision and commitment to furthering the goals of the CGCU.

Throughout my tenure as Council Representative, I have worked tirelessly to amplify the voices of undergraduate engineering students, advocating for their needs and concerns. I have facilitated open communication channels, ensuring that every student's perspective is heard and valued. In this role, I have gained valuable insights into the workings of the CGCU and have identified areas where we can enhance our effectiveness and impact.

If elected as Vice President, I will prioritize three key areas:
1. Student Empowerment: I will foster inclusivity, provide resources for student-led initiatives, and create opportunities for meaningful engagement.

2. Collaboration and Unity: I will facilitate partnerships across departments, societies, and committees to drive positive change and innovation.

3. Diversity and Activities: I am committed to fostering a diverse and inclusive community, ensuring that our events and leadership reflect our membership's diversity.