Photo of Julia Purrinos De Oliveira

Julia Purrinos De Oliveira

RCSU: President

Hey everyone! I'm Julia, a third-year Biosciences student and your current VP Welfare for the RCSU. I'm running to be your RCSU President, as I'd love to use my past 2 years experience on the RCSU committee to make to bring our community back together.

Last year as VPA, I have organized new events such as the sold-out RCSU Live Music Showcase, RCSU x CGCU Spring Ball and the Pride in Stem Heaven event. This year as VPW I’ve pushed for increased trans+ representation and currently working on improving the hardship fund system in FoNS.

As a current Union Helpdesk Assistant and this year’s VPW, I have a deep insight into how the Union is run and how to communicate effectively with people both within the college and outside it. With my experience, I am best placed to streamline management of RCSU with the Union to make the committee’s ideas possible next year. I also have an understanding of the challenges faced by Imperial students and am passionate about working on these with the Faculty.

As next year’s RCSU President I would:

  • Continue to work on welfare and academic representation in FoNS with the welfare committee.
  • Open up the RCSU to more collaboration with other CUs and universities.
  • Continually gather feedback from students to make sure we are organising events that people would actually enjoy.
  • Work on organising sponsorship with companies to help us fund different initiatives within the RCSU.
  • Improve connections with RCSA alumni.