Photo of Amogh Krishnanand Atreya

Amogh Krishnanand Atreya

Chemical Engineering (UG): Departmental Academic Representative

Vote Amogh for Dep Rep ;)

I have lived in 4 different countries, and I have been elected student president 4 times, before being elected to embody the voice of the first years; I love talking to people and they never hesitate to place their trust in me. I know what I'm doing, and I know how to handle the immense responsibility that this role, and your trust come with. The first years have witnessed firsthand how tirelessly I am wiling to serve you, and I ask that you all give me the opportunity to demonstrate just that. I'll be chill with you all, but I am a confident orator, never afraid to voice your thoughts, and always ready to fight for you guys.

My global outlook, committment to responsibilities, endless dedication and confidence place me in a position of strength to be your leader.

So much love to everyone! Please send in your votes! Let me be your voice. Let me be the voice of chem eng :)