Photo of Nishant Jalan

Nishant Jalan

Computing (UG): Departmental Academic Representative

Hi everyone! I am Nishant, and once again I am standing up for the Department Representative of the Computing Department.

As your representative, I am ready to listen to your issues and suggestions, ensuring that every student's concerns are voiced and addressed to the staff. Having been the Department representative this year, it was a rewarding experience solving issues faced by the students, professors, and the administration.

Some of my work this year focussed on improving the student retention rate in lectures, welcoming the new Director of Undergraduate Studies (DUGS) and addressing issues reported by the representatives of different years. For the next academic year, I would begin the year addressing the following issues:

  • Improve the examination and results timeline for 3rd and 4th year students.
  • Constantly communicate with staff regarding mice and temperature issues in the building.
  • Help introduce a new unified platform for course notes for all modules.
  • Create informatic content to introduce students to their respective year.

I consider myself to be a sociable and approachable person. You can contact me in several ways- emails, feedback forms, or even in labs on most days. I shall maintain a connection between you and the department throughout the year via WhatsApp groups, EdStem, or whichever platform you'd like!

I am confident in helping you and our department to the best of my abilities. Thank you if you have already read this far. I hope you will vote for me to be your Academic Representative!