Photo of Yeline Idir

Yeline Idir

Bioengineering (UG): Departmental Academic Representative

Hi everyone, I’m Yeline and I would be honored to be your Departmental Rep this year.

I’ve been an Academic Rep for the past two years representing you in department meetings, bringing your concerns up to lecturers, attending to your emails and collecting your feedback.

This year, my goal is to engage more deeply and contribute more meaningfully. To make a bigger impact and be even more invested in your academic future within the dept!

Here are things I have done or am currently working on setting up this year for my cohort:

  • An anonymous issues/query form as a 24/7 line of communication
  • A collaborative drive for resources and revision material
  • A Rep newsletter focused on giving out more information on your Lecturers (UROP!) and potential Summer Internships
  • Group study/tutoring sessions before exams

In the future, I’d like to help extend this to the rest of the department and make sure that you are truly heard and that the most is being made to ensure the best for your futures here.

Following in the steps of my predecessors, here is what I have in mind for the future:

  • Help make the mastery revision sessions for 2nd Years permanent
  • Work on making post-exam script revisions available for other exams outside of Mastery for other year-groups
  • Improve the communications and interactions between different year-groups
  • Increase the study spaces in RSM

I hope that you’ll give me the chance to do all this by voting for me!

Your Hopeful Department Academic Rep,
