Photo of Camille Lemoine

Camille Lemoine

Bioengineering (UG): Departmental Academic Representative

Hello beautiful people,

My name is Camille and if you recognise it, it might be from all the emails I have sent out! I am re-running for the position of Academic Departmental Rep. Together with Wout and all the year reps this year, we have successfully advocated for an increase of transparency in feedback. This was made possible by creating a platform where the expected type of feedback and corresponding release date are advertised. This was done to promote engagement with said feedback. Further, a revision session where students retaking a mastery are giving the opportunity to identify their mistakes through the release of the scripts was made possible.

This is only the beginning! In my 2nd mandate, I hope to pursue the various items that we have started and see them through to the end. As such, I will continue to work on the following items:

1. Release of students’ workings after submission

Additionally, I strongly believe that the Department of Bioeng should move towards the release of the exam scripts after submission. This will allow students to identify areas where they need to improve and adjust their future performance accordingly.

2. Student engagement

Further, as I have done this year in collaboration with academic reps, I will continue to provide opportunities for students to give feedback on the feedback process to further improve as a department.

And of course, any other items you reckon should be raised to the department!

Thank you kindly for your support ;)
