Photo of Angie Qiao

Angie Qiao

ICSMSU: Social Secretary

Hey everyone, I’m Angie and I’m running to be your Social Sec for next year!

In my time at ICSM, I’ve been involved in a few comms and sub-comms so I have a pretty strong grasp on the inner workings of ICSM events including HWD and Phoenix Ball. I’ve also organised big charity events, where I’ve learnt invaluable lessons in liaising with external organisations, hands-on management, and the joy of working with people to create an enjoyable experience.

As social sec, I aim to:

  1. Support the ents chair by defining the role further and ensuring work is divided fairly across the ents team- particularly during freshers’ fortnight, during which I hope to organise some events solo.
  2. Correspond with other social secs to ensure that ICSM events align closely with the values of the student body, and to avoid scheduling conflicts with society-specific events.
  3. For similar reasons, I intend to maintain the collaboration with RAG and continue supporting their projects.

I’d also like to build on Priya’s amazing work in launching the new ICSM Winter Ball. Next year, I hope to:

  1. Explore the date of the event by considering the schedule of annual events such as sports/arts dinners and AGM to prevent an overwhelm of big events.
  2. Look into further subsidising the event next year, so the evening can be more accessible.

Thanks for reading- I hope you’ll allow me to help pack your memories at ICSM with as much FUN as possible !! :))