Nikita James
Hi everyone! My name is Nikita and I am running for conference lead this year. The reason I wanted to run for this role is because having been on committee this year, I’ve really enjoyed exploring the field of transplant and vascular surgery and the variety of subspecialties it encompasses! I particularly found the talks and workshops from our collaborative teaching series inspiring.
I think I’d be great for this role as having served as sponsorship officer this year, I have demonstrated organisational skills to secure large amounts of funding for our first official year. I’ve also had roles in helping with the organisation of this year’s conference and teaching series and have seen the amount of work required to bring these events to life, and I believe I’m well equipped to deal with this level of responsibility. Additionally, having been a part of RAG committee, I have experience in helping with the organisation of several large-scale events throughout the year, and I have also demonstrated organisation and reliability in these roles.
If elected, I plan to begin event planning early to mitigate last minute stress, build on this year’s success by inviting a wider range of leading transplant and vascular surgeons, boost our attendance and outreach as a new society by considering collaborations with other surgical societies, and enhance our workshops by introducing microvascular suturing , and cold perfusion techniques. Overall, I have a lot to contribute to next year’s conference so I’d really love your vote!