Photo of Shiromi Patrick

Shiromi Patrick

Paediatrics: Community & Outreach Vice-Chair

I’m Shiromi and I am running for Community and Outreach Vice Chair. I am currently the publicity officer for ICSM Paeds and I have loved being on this committee and working closely with several members of committee ensuring timely posts and publicity material are made and it would be great to be continue this.

I have always enjoyed teaching and mentoring aspiring medical students having taken part in mentoring schemes through In2MedSchool and during my role as academic mentor for Global Summer School. I believe my experience as School Liaison Officer and Secretary for Teddy Bear Hospital and GP society will support me in the role.

My aims include supporting the Community and Outreach Chair with any events this stream holds as well as introducing new ideas. A potential idea is developing a mentoring scheme for aspiring medical students where they are paired up with a medical student who can answer any and all questions relating to medicine applications. Ideally I would like to offer this to students from underprivileged backgrounds as it is clear that these students who would benefit most from a scheme like this. We could also run a mentoring scheme for medical students where they are buddied up with paediatric consultants or trainees providing them with mentoring and networking opportunities. From the Imperial paeds conference it was great seeing many students engaging with the MMI workshop and we could also offer more events like this, potentially also collaborating with other societies such as ICSM Vision.