Photo of Tansy Xue

Tansy Xue

Remote Medicine Society : Events Lead

Heya everyone, I’m Tansy and I’m a first-year medic :) As Events Lead, in addition to the awesome events already run by the society (James Moss diving film critique series?? 👀) I would:

1) Run events for people to get to know more about the field of Remote Medicine. These could include talks/workshops on different areas such as space medicine and desert medicine, and what-would-you-do discussion scenarios of the low-resource, high-stakes situations which characterise the specialty.

2) Run casualty simulation events! Having acted in a few of these at sixth form, I have the imagination to get these going and am thinking of organising collabs with First Aid Soc to facilitate these.

3) Organise more field trips!! Some ideas for this include tours to Imperial’s Remote Environments Lab and bushcraft/survival skills workshops and sessions.

As a former leader of my sixth form BioSoc and ChemSoc, I’ve had so much fun running and innovating events, and as one of the current ImmunoSoc Conference Sponsorship Officers I’ve had some insight into seeing how running societies works at a university-level logistically speaking. Thank you for considering voting for me 😊