Photo of Abigail Tan

Abigail Tan

Haematology Society: Conference Chair

Hi everyone! I am Abigail Tan, and I am running to be the Chair of HaemSoc 25/26!

Having been Vice-Chair of HaemSoc for the past year, I have gained lots of insights into the running of HaemSoc, and honed my leadership skills. I have worked with committee members to give them a hand in their roles and the running of events, from planning Freshers' Fair, talks for Freshers Advice, POM and the Haem BSc to the Haematology Conference. I am grateful for the opportunity to have been part of organising these great educational opportunities which benefitted medical students both in Imperial and the rest of the UK.

As such, I would like to continue playing a role in taking the society to greater heights. Having helped out with the logistics and preparations for the Haematology conference this year, I hope to take the next step to lead this conference, to continue this great education opportunity. I aim to get speakers from a variety of aspects in Haematology: from those working on Haematological conditions in other parts of the world (eg Sickle cell disease in Africa), Haematology-Oncology to laboratory research in Haematology, as these would benefit a wide target audience. Furthermore, I hope to organise a blood transfusion/ IV administration workshop, besides the existing Venepuncture one, to have a greater hands-on component.

Please vote for me, Abigail Tan, as Chair for HaemSoc 25/26!