As Secretary of the Orthopaedics Society, I have gained experience in organisation, communication, and engagement within our community. Now, as I step forward for the role of Chair, my vision is to expand our society’s outreach, making it more inclusive, educational, and impactful. I aim to strengthen collaborations with professionals, introduce mentorship programmes, and increase our presence through events
Hi I'm running for orthosoc chair...evidently. As the current conference co-lead I've been responsible for organising this year's conference - gained lots of experience here. I strongly recommend you vote for me. Moving forward I hope to hold more events in collaboration with BOMSA, career talks, ortho skills workshops etc very cool stuff. Also, I incline 45s.
Hi, I'm Chahak and would love to be your Chair this year! I am passionate about orthopaedics and committed to bringing OrthoSoc to new heights next year. My goal is to provide a platform where students can gain deeper insight into the specialty and get the hands-on experiences they need. Having been part of the committee, I understand how things run and have the vision and drive to take OrthoSoc to the next level. ...
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Stronger, Better – Let’s Build an Ortho Society That Stands Tall Hey everyone, Orthopedics is hands down one of the most dynamic, technical, and rewarding specialties out there (Moneeeeeeeeyeh) —from fixing fractures to pioneering cutting-edge surgical techniques. But let’s be real, getting into ortho is competitive, and it takes more than just good grades to stand out. As Ortho Chair, I wa ...