Photo of Nethra Subramanian

Nethra Subramanian

Doctorpreneurs: Events Officer

Hi, my name is Nethra (3rd year medic) - I would love to be Events Officer for Imperial Doctorpreneurs society this year!

I am passionate about combining healthcare with innovation, entrepreneurship and technology. I have prior experience in organising events when I was on committee as conference lead for Personalised medicine society. I greatly enjoyed contacting and liasing with speakers, and then planning and overseeing the logistics of the conference. I also have experience helping plan events for TSOC, global health society, and doctorpreneurs society. Through these experiences, I have gained leadership and teamwork skills, awareness of event planning, and learnt the importance of networking and outreach.

As events officer I hope to provide invaluable experiences through well-organised, engaging and high-impact events. I would like to organise high-profile workshops, hackathons and networking opportunities. I would also like to expand the network, and foster connections with more startups, investors and professionals in Med-Tech and digital health, while increasing awareness and engagement with the society.

I believe I can bring a lot to this amazing society, with my passion for the subject and my experience in running similar events for other societies.

I'd appreciate your vote as Events Officer!